“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

2 Tim 2:15

Media Centre

Our media centre has several books, articles and audio titles in various languages, all produced by Pastor Raymond Lombard.

Books & Articles

Available in: English, Afrikaans, Mandarin Chinese, French, Spanish, Mongolian, Urdu, Sesotho and Xhosa


Browse our Youtube videos ranging from Relevalation, The Spirit World to What does the Bible teach.

Greetings in the most powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am currently the presiding pastor at Full Gospel Church Lewende Woord, Parow (Cape Town).  My ministry in this assembly extends over a period of 28 years, and in full-time ministry in the Full Gospel Church of God, 38 years.  I have also been ordained by the Church of God, Tennessee USA in May 1998.

In August 1978 I met Jesus Christ, the Son of God as my personal Saviour.

Since then, the words in Scripture that made a deep, indelible impression on me was Paul’s advice to Timothy, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). Paul emphasises two very important aspects to Timothy: “Be diligent” (i.e. study-exegesis), and thereby “rightly dividing the word of truth” (exposition).

I resolved to devote the rest of my life to the careful study of the Holy Scriptures and to correctly divide the word of truth.

Raymond Lombard Ministries serves the whole church of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The purpose of this website is to educate, teach and enrich pastors, evangelists, church leaders and all Christians in the word of God.  Our desire is that, through this website, the calling and the ministry of all Christians will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Our ultimate goal through this website is that Biblical training for ministry will take place on a global scale to help address the real need of being Biblical trained in sound doctrine of all Christians.

This website will be updated on a regular basis with new articles and books that are being translated into several languages.

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About Raymond Lombard

Full Gospel Church of God in South Africa (www.lewendewoordparow.co.za)

Raymond Lombard is currently the presiding pastor at Full Gospel Church Lewende Woord, Parow (Cape Town).  His ministry in this assembly extends over a period of 28 years, and in full-time ministry in the Full Gospel Church of God, 38 years.

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